Rick Simpson OIl (RSO)

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a type of cannabis oil that is made by extracting the cannabinoids and other beneficial compounds from the cannabis plant using a solvent like ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. It is named after Rick Simpson, a Canadian activist who claims to have cured his skin cancer using this oil.

RSO is a DECARBOXYLATED, whole plant, full-spectrum extract. Full-spectrum means it contain all the cannabinoids, terpenes, fats, lipids, chlorophyll, and other compounds found in plant material including but not limited to CBN and CBC. Don’t forget THC and CBD are only two of the nearly 500 chemical compounds present in the cannabis plant. — 710 Labs

The medicinal benefits of RSO are believed to come from the cannabinoids and other plant compounds that it contains, particularly tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is known for its psychoactive effects and is believed to have pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and antiemetic (anti-nausea) effects. CBD is non-psychoactive and is believed to have antipsychotic, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects.

Some potential medicinal benefits of RSO may include:

  1. Pain relief: RSO may be helpful for reducing pain caused by conditions such as arthritis, neuropathy, and cancer.

  2. Cancer treatment: While there is limited scientific evidence to support the use of RSO as a cancer treatment, some people claim that it has helped them to manage their cancer symptoms and even to shrink tumors.

  3. Anxiety and depression: RSO may be helpful for reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, as cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, are believed to have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and antidepressant effects.

It's important to note that while RSO may have potential medicinal benefits, more research is needed to fully understand its effects and to determine appropriate dosages and administration methods.

Be mindful that cannabis cultivars vary greatly in cannabinoid and terpene composition. Awareness of which cultivars comprise RSO is crucial to understanding how it will effect your unique endocannabinoid system (ECS).  

Making Rick simpson oil at home

Rick Simpson Oil is my favorite cannabis product to support my overall health regime. I am very fortunate for access to high quality cannabis plant materials that are processed into RSO using the ExtractCraft. Using local, outdoor biodynamic/organic, sun-grown cannabis or hemp farmed in a ethical, sustainable way will create an effective and clean product. Growing your own cannabis or hemp is an ideal way to ensure the plant material you are using does not contain heavy metals, toxins or pesticides, which when turned into a product become concentrated within and could be harmful.

Purchasing rick simpson oil at dispensaries

RSO purchased at U.S. state-legal dispensaries is rigorously tested to ensure safety and quality. Test results are available on every batch of every product sold at the dispensary. Consumers are encouraged to consider these results to guide product selection to achieve desired effects.

Some of my favorite RSO products available in legal California dispensaries are:

Using rick simpson oil

  • Eat It. RSO-topped fruit is my go-to (eg. pineapple, papaya, berries) — psychoactive; depends on cultivar and expression of psychoactive cannabinoids, including THC.

  • Suppositoriesnon psychoactive

  • Topicals — non psychoactive




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